Manmin Central Church’s 36th Anniversary Celebration Service and Performance Attended by...
At 3 p.m. on October 7, 2018, Manmin Central Church offered up its 36th anniversary celebration service and performance to God. People from 22...
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Tribal Leaders Join Hands with Hindu Extremists to Persecute Christians in...
HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – Five families in eastern India were at a worship service last month when they received a phone call telling them...
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The Testimony of Healing from Esophageal Stricture Caused by Scalding
On October 2, 2017, a Chinese boy Wi mistook very hot water for cold water and drank it up in a gulp. Afterwards, he...
Traumatized Widows in Kenya Face Ordeal of How to Press On
NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – One year after several Christian women lost their husbands to Islamic extremist attacks in coastal Kenya, they have few means...
Cistercian nuns seek help to build new monastery in Wisconsin
Valley of Our Lady Monastery, a community of Cistercian nuns in Wisconsin, is raising funds for a new monastery complex following a...
Catholic campaign to aid Syrian children who ‘have known nothing but war’
Ahead of the 10th anniversary of the start of the Syrian war, the Catholic charity Caritas has launched a campaign to help...
Activists Call for Greater Minority Representation in Pakistan’s Government
11/22/2020 Pakistan (International Christian Concern) – Minority activists in Pakistan’s Sindh province have called for more equal access to local government representation for...
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Christian Ministries Eager to ‘Ramp Up Conversation’ with Post-COVID Generation, New Survey Finds
Christian ministries and nonprofits are eager to "ramp up the conversation" with the post-COVID generation, a new survey suggests.
Pope Francis: Be a witness to Christ in your ordinary life
Be a witness to Jesus Christ in the way you conduct your ordinary, everyday life, and it will become a masterpiece for...
‘The Pope Benedict XVI Reader’ Introduces Readers to One of the Most Brilliant Theologians...
It is difficult to overestimate the impact that Pope Benedict XVI has had on the Catholic Church. He served the people of...
Burmese Cardinal Blames CCP for Coronavirus Pandemic
04/05/2020 Myanmar (International Christian Concern) – One of Asia’s top prelates has laid blame on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), calling it “morally...
Jihadists Decapitate Pastor, Force Wife to Carry His Severed Head
12/17/2021 Mozambique (International Christian Concern) – According to military sources, suspected Islamic extremists decapitated a pastor in Cabo Delgado last Wednesday, and forced...
WCC shares greetings with Francophone Christian Forum in Switzerland
World Council of Churches acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca shared joyful greetings with the Francophone Christian Forum in Switzerland,...