Syrian Mercenaries In Nagorno-Karabakh Perpetuate Demand For Jihadist Fighters
08/22/2021 Nagorno-Karabakh (International Christian Concern) – More than a year after the recruitment of Syrian mercenaries to fight in Nagorno-Karabakh (Armenian: Artsakh) began,...
Important News
Tensions Rise in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor
03/22/2020 Syria (International Christian Concern) – Multiple reports surface of rising tension in Syria’s NE corridor as it relates to community interactions with...
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Inter-Faith Forum in Nigeria says Christians are not Targets
08/24/2020 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) – The Youth Christian and Muslim Forum of Nigeria (YCMFN) stated in a report that the allegations of Christian...
Hindu Extremists Threaten Children at Sunday School in Southern India
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Churches Deprived of Their Worship Buildings in Tamil Nadu, India
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Churches respond to violence in the USA
A wave of shootings in the United States has prompted lament, condolences and condemnations from US churches and the World Council of...
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Hong Kong Catholic leaders: Vatican involvement in protests unlikely
Catholics in Hong Kong are continuing to participate in large-scale protests on the island territory, which have been going on now for...
Worrying food shortages compel faith action
As churches worldwide focus on the “Action Week for Food” in October, increasing numbers of people going hungry due to violent conflicts, failed harvests...
7 Essential Steps for Creating a Social Media Campaign
If you have ever sat in a planning meeting for a ministry event, you’ve probably heard someone say, “We need to promote...
Two Pastors, Mother Of Eight Shot To Death In Plateau State, Nigeria
By Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent, ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net)
JOS, NIGERIA (ANS – July 6, 2018) – Thousands of people attended the funeral yesterday of a...
The testimony of healing: “The 6cm ovarian cyst disappeared!”
I had stomach pain from time to time beginning in June 2018. I also had indigestion. It became increasingly more pain. Sometimes...
WCC condemns terror attacks on mosques in New Zealand, calls for...
It is with deep shock and indignation that the World Council of Churches (WCC) received the news that 49 people have been...