Indochinese Pastors’ Seminar was held in Thailand
From September 4 to 5, 2018, Indochinese Pastors' Seminar was held for approximately a hundred pastors from Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam in Mae...
Important News
Sudanese court dismisses case against church leaders
The criminal case against the elected president and senior leaders of the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) was dismissed on 9 August.
CSW has learned...
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Egypt Appoints 98 Female Judges but Not One is Christian
03/19/2022 Egypt (International Christian Concern) – In a precedent-setting event, 98 female judges took oath on March 3 to prepare for their positions...
Worshippers on their knees beg Chinese riot police to halt demolition of church
Christians knelt before riot police and begged them in vain to stop tearing down their church building in Anhui province, China, on 18...
Investing in partnership is vital for peace: UN top aide at religion security conference
The United Nations special adviser on the prevention of genocide during the Second Global Summit on Religion Peace and Security in Geneva...
Pastor Arrested, Falsely Accused of Forcefully Converting Hindus
10/03/2021 India (International Christian Concern) –According to Asia News, a Pentecostal pastor was arrested on Tuesday after distributing evangelical pamphlets and Bibles in...
Human rights begin in the womb, Cardinal Dolan says
The first step to ending all forms of violence in society— whether related to crime, racism, or poverty— is ending the violence...
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Head of the UGCC announces a new strategy and theme of the patriarchal council...
The theme of the next Patriarchal Council of the UGCC is "Emigration, settlement and global unity of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church". The slogan of the Council will be...
House Church in Southern India Illegally Ordered to Close
11/26/2020 India (International Christian Concern) – Grace Prayer House, a church affiliated with the Indian Pentecostal Church, in India’s Tamil Nadu state was...
Pressure increases on Indian Christian community as prayer meetings come under police scrutiny
Indian police in Shahjahanpur district, Uttar Pradesh State, have been instructed to keep a watch on prayer meetings after five Christians were accused of...
Christian Leaders in Sri Lanka Meet with Prime Minister Regarding Easter Bombings
12/20/2020 Sri Lanka (International Christian Concern) – According to the Union of Catholic Asian News (UCAN), Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith met with Sri Lankan...
At Angelus, Pope Francis prays for Indonesian Catholics injured in Palm Sunday bombing
Pope Francis prayed Sunday for Indonesian Catholics injured in a bombing as they left a Palm Sunday Mass.
Spirituality Year: How a break from academics helps prepare men for...
No phones, no Facebook, no Amazon, no Netflix.
When Fr. Josh Mayer entered St. John Vianney’s Seminary in Denver,...