Luis Palau Presents Powerful Evangelistic Easter Messages Amid his Stage IV...
Renowned evangelist Luis Palau is set to go big this Easter with a special digital experience sharing a powerful and heartfelt message...
Important News
Petition urges Canadian PM not to slander Catholic Church over residential...
More than 4,000 people have signed a petition requesting that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cease blaming the Catholic Church for the...
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Pope Francis: The poor, unborn, and elderly are neglected in the...
On the World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis said that the poor and most vulnerable can be left behind in the...
Activist Leader Condemns Increased Harassment of Christians in Northern India
01/30/2020 India (International Christian Concern) – Sajan K. George, President of the Global Council of Indian Christians, has recently condemned the harassment of...
The testimony: “I saw a strong angel protecting me in the car accident!”
On May 6, 2017, it was around 7:30 P.M. on Saturday. I was on the way home on foot. I was walking...
Listening together to the pain of violent spaces
Brought together by the South Sudan Council of Churches, women and men are sharing the pain of many years of war and...
At Least 17 Christians Killed in Fulani Militant Attack
04/16/2022 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) –Tior-Tyu, normally a bustleing community within Nigeria’s Benue state, has been described as a “ghost town” following the...
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Japanese pastors gathered to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Ida Manmin Church in Tokyo
The Pastor Soojin Lee, the vice president of United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ, visited Japan for the 25th anniversary of Ida...
Is your Church Ready for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church?
Christian Freedom International (CFI) has designed a free church Prayer Kit to equip churches for the "International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church."
France Opens Investigation into Algeria’s Persecution of Christians
03/03/2019 Algeria (International Christian Concern) – The French Parliament has officially opened an inquiry into the persecution of Christians in Algeria. The inquiry...
Draft Anti-Conversion Law Approved by State Government in India
11/28/2020 India (International Christian Concern) – On November 24, India’s Uttar Pradesh state has approved the draft of a controversial law that would...
Jihadists massacre entire Christian village in Mali killing at least 100, many burnt to...
At least 100 men, women and children were slaughtered in Sobame Da, a mainly-Christian village in the Mopti region of central Mali,...
State-Run School in Vietnam Building on Catholic Churches Property
11/11/2018 Vietnam (International Christian Concern) – In Vietnam’s capital Hanoi, the local Catholic church is opposing the construction of a state-run school that is supposed...